So to start out, I thought I would tell you a little about what a brave and daring chica I am. For example...

Do you see those girls trembling behind me? But I was fearless. I also got rid of the scorpion we found in our cabin, went on a tarantula hunt, and held a poison dart frog (the kind coated with poison 200 times more powerful than morphine). I thought I was pretty cool. I usually make it a point to show how brave I am by being the first to take a dare, the first to try crazy foods (chicken heart, guinea pig, strange blue mush that was sitting at our door, etc), or the first to jump off high precipices into icy water. This might not seem that impressive to some, but coming from a family with 6 girls, some of these things are a pretty big deal! (Ok so my sisters are pretty daring too...) But here's my confession, as brave as I think I am, I practically cried through the entire movie When a Stranger Calls, while on a date to the movie King Kong, I was curled up in fetal position in my seat for at least a third of the film, I still get squeemish when I think of getting my blood drawn, and I am completely terrified of mold.
What am I trying to say? I'm a work in progress. If I pretend I'm the bravest person I know, but moldy bread gives me the shudders, I clearly haven't figured myself out yet. So, if one day I write one thing on this blog and the next I write the complete opposite, forgive me because I don't know what political party I belong to, I have a love/hate relationship with sports, my taste in music has no rhyme or reason to it, and nearly every opinion I've ever had has changed and probably will again. You've been warned. :) Enjoy!
hello diana! i miss you! welcome to blogger! mine is
I LOVE it!! I'm so glad you're blogging again!! I miss you so much, and you better keep this up because what would I do if I didn't get to read about my Nana? Probably be miserable like I have been since your last blog. And trust me, that's not something we want.
lols. Diana, you're twice as brave as Indiana Jones in my book. Besides, movies are meant to play with your head, so thats cheating! They totally don't count!
Oh, Diana! I LOVE this! And wasn't I there on that date to King Kong? With Steve? If I recall correctly, I was doing the same thing. Then again, I don't even go tarantula hunting or anything, so you have me beat.
I especially like that last part of your blog. I think we're all a work in progress :)
You are the Times ten. I used to think I was the bravest...but you've definitely passed me up! Please keep blogging! I miss you. Times a million.
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